Fair royalty: King, queen crowned

The 2023 Morrow County Fair Court poses for a photo. From left to right: Brooklyn Poppell, Lane Hughes, Emma Smith, Queen Emily Zeger, King Bryan Sayers, Sage Whetnall, Hunter Dye, Elizabeth Leonard and JJ Palm Rhoades.

Alberta Stojkovic | AIM Media Midwest

The Morrow County Fair Youth Building had a packed house for the crowning of the Morrow County Fair king and queen on Aug. 29. The king and queen presentation followed a dinner for the royalty provided by the Morrow County Pork Producers and Morrow County Dairy Association.

Kings and queens from neighboring counties were in the audience along with county officials, families, and friends of the candidates. Candidates were introduced by the 2022 king and queen, Jed Adams and Lydia Leonard.

Each candidate drew a question to answer, and runner-up names were announced before judges deliberated and the 2023 king and queen were named.

Emily Zeger will wear the queen’s crown in the 2023 fair and represent Morrow County at events throughout the year. The question she drew was what new challenge she would like to have at the fair.

Zeger has shown market hogs for nine years at the fair and market rabbits for five years. She said she would like to show lambs as a new challenge and has always enjoyed watching the market lamb show.

She is a recent graduate of Northmor High School where she participated in several sports, student council, and was a member of the National Honor Society. She has been a member of the Friendly Farmers 4-H Club for 10 years and participated in FFA. She plans to attend The Ohio State University’s Marion campus this fall.

Bryan Sayers was announced as the king and was asked how he would promote the fair. Sayers said he would promote the fair by encouraging friends to come to the fair and have a milkshake with him, then just walk around and enjoy everything at the fair.

Sayers said he has been showing cattle at the fair since he was old enough to show. “You will know our cattle because they’re the biggest in the barn,” he said.

He has made many good friends at the Morrow County Fair and has made many good memories there.

“The Morrow County Fair has a special place in my heart,” Sayers added.

Sayers is a student at Mount Gilead High School where he participates in FFA, livestock judging, and plays football.

This year, both the king and queen will receive $250. They can both be seen throughout the week at animal shows and other events, presenting ribbons and awards. Judges for the king and queen contest were Connie McChesney, Erin Kelty, and Amanda Domsitz.

The queen first runner-up is Sage Whetnall, followed by Emma Smith, Elizabeth Leonard, and Brooklyn Poppell. The king first runner-up is Hunter Dye, followed by Lane Hughes and JJ Palm Rhoades.

Adams and Leonard talked about the highlights of their year as the 2022 king and queen. Adams said it was an “exhausting week” but also full of many good memories. He said it was great to see the sportsmanship among exhibitors and how well everyone gets along at the fair. He could see the confidence grow as individuals show their projects.

Adams concluded his talk to the candidates by saying, “Savor every moment, savor the early mornings and the late nights, savor the friendships you will make.”

Leonard spoke of the great experiences she had throughout the year, attending other county fairs, and representing Morrow County.

“It’s been an honor representing Morrow County,” Leonard said.

She said her favorite experience at the fair was working with children at the Pee Wee Showmanship and Barnyard Olympics. She thanked the fair board, advisors, and junior fair board members for their support throughout the fair and the year.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for the Morrow County Sentinel.