New video highlights mental health


A new video speaking about the problems of mental health was shown at the Morrow County Board of Commissioners meeting May 6. The video was produced by Delaware Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (DMMHRSB).

The video presentation followed the reading of a Mental Health Awareness Month proclamation by Commissioner Jon Mason, which challenged residents to “educate themselves and others about mental health conditions, treatment options, and available resources.”

Called “I’ll go first,” the video speaks to how most people have difficulty talking about mental health. Morrow County Sheriff John Hinton is the first to tell his story in the video series.

Hinton gives some of his own background of 25 years in law enforcement. He said he was unaware of some of the crises in mental health until he became sheriff in 2016. He met DMMHRSB Director Deanna Brant who spoke about mental health and how some realize they are in crisis and others are not aware of it.

Hinton said there were 141 calls for mental health at the Morrow County Sheriff’s Office in 2022. He said the office received crisis intervention training (CIT) through DMMHRSB. Deputies are now able to spot those who are having an episode or mental health crisis and get them the help they need.

Brandt said she is looking forward to the reopening of Meadow Center this fall. She said there will now be an area in the building where individuals in the midst of a mental health crisis can be taken for evaluation and directed toward appropriate treatment.

The four agencies which will occupy the Meadow Center are HelpLine, Maryhaven, Southeast Healthcare and Syntero. Brandt said the building is on schedule to open this fall.

To view the video, visit The video is under Latest Updates.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for The Morrow County Sentinel. She can be reached at [email protected].

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