Cardington celebrates FFA Week


In 1948, the National FFA Organization celebrated its first dedicated National FFA Week, where members and chapters around the country would celebrate the history, membership, and opportunities of the FFA. This week was dedicated to be celebrated each year on the week of George Washington’s birthday, referred to as President’s Day.

As an avid agriculturalist, Washington is a long-standing icon and symbol of financial liberties and leadership within the FFA, even serving as the station marker of the chapter treasurer.

Since then, chapters across the country have participated in various activities, service projects, and social media challenges to advocate for the organization and broadcast their pride in membership. This year proved no different for the Cardington FFA chapter.

During FFA Week, members participated in theme days, ag olympics, and social media challenges, and hosted the annual AG Ball game, where FFA members challenge teachers and faculty in a game of basketball during a school-wide pep rally. This AG Ball game encourages rapport between students and staff and enhances school spirit, especially when factoring in cowbells and pom poms.

Leading up to FFA Week, the FFA officer team hosted a taco dinner for the teaching staff during parent-teacher conferences to show their appreciation for faculty support of the program.

Theme days included USA Day, Camo/Carhartt Day, Western Wednesday, Drive your Truck/Tractor to School Day, and Chapter T-Shirt Day. AG Olympics included bale toss, donut on a string, hillbilly shuffleboard, chicken bowling, bouncy horse barrel racing, lemon shakeup relay, oreo shuffle, and FFAmily Feud.

We are proud to celebrate 84 years of tradition in the FFA and agriculture education at Cardington High School. We are thankful for the FFA alumni who came before us and set the groundwork to help make our program what it is today, and we hope to continue building on that foundation.

Submitted by Erin Wollett.

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