After only six years, Wayne Hinkle advised that his hardware store at 20 South Main Street in Marengo is in for an improvement. Hinkle’s paint store opened in 2021 and currently sits directly across the street from the hardware store.

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MARENGO- After only six years, Wayne Hinkle advised that his hardware store at 20 South Main Street in Marengo is in for an improvement. Hinkle’s paint store opened in 2021 and currently sits directly across the street from the hardware store. Hinkle says the business is continuing to grow. Hinkle said when he moves the paint store and combines the businesses, he will have more access to the merchandise and assist customers better.

If customers drive by the establishment today, it is apparent to see the addition that he’s added on to the hardware store. Hinkle is confident he’ll have plenty of room to continue selling the same inventory he currently maintains for builders, contractors and local homeowners. Hinkle says he cuts glass, sells garden supplies, repairs mowers, has rototiller rentals, sells hay, straw and bedding.

The paint store carries quality name brand paints such as Valspar, Pratt and Lambert, Ready Seal, Minwax and a variety of brushes and dry wall materials.

“Basically, there is not another hardware supply source within 22 mile radius so we pretty much do it all. Many of our customers stop for the convenience and stay and chat,” Hinkle said.

Moving the paint store sounded good he said, because when his customers walk in he can better assist them. Hinkle keeps coffee on in the mornings for his regular customers that stop just to visit. The store has become sort of a hang out for many locals.

“My customers have made this all possible and we appreciate all of them for supporting us and buying local,” Hinkle said.