Gleaners plan projects for new year


EDISON — Members of Chester Arbor of the Gleaner Fraternal Insurance Society met Jan. 6 at the Edison Depot to review December events and to make plans for 2019.

During this meeting, a $250 check was presented to the American Red Cross to help the Pillowcase project which the Red Cross and the Gleaners have been presenting to area schools and scout troops. The plan is to continue this project through 2019.

The money was awarded as the result of a photo submitted to the home office recognizing this project. Accepting the check for the American Red Cross was Nancy Foos, a member of the Gleaners and active with the Red Cross.

Four impact activities are planned for 2019 including veterans, 4-H, Senior Citizens, and food pantries. Chairmen of these committees have been named but others interested in serving in any of these areas will be included in the final planning. People in the community can also be involved and if interested are asked to contact Rita Barton.

There were 25 members present at this meeting and they agreed to monetarily support Marion’s Music in the Park next year.

A committee was named to provide appetizers for the graduation of the Morrow County Drug Program on Jan. 11.

The next meeting of the Gleaners will be held at noon, Monday, Feb. 4, at the Edison Depot. Guests are welcome. Those planning to attend can contact Rita Barton.

Marilyn Davis holds a check for the American Red Cross from the Gleaners Fraternal Insurance Society to the American Red Cross. Behind Marilyn is Rita Barton, president of the Gleaners, Chester Arbor and Nancy Foos, right, a member of Gleaners and the American Red Cross. She accepted the check. Davis holds a check for the American Red Cross from the Gleaners Fraternal Insurance Society to the American Red Cross. Behind Marilyn is Rita Barton, president of the Gleaners, Chester Arbor and Nancy Foos, right, a member of Gleaners and the American Red Cross. She accepted the check. Courtesy Photo

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinel

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