Happy Wanderers begin 27th year of traveling


“Leapin’ Into 2024” begins the year of traveling for the Happy Wanderers.

It is planned for leap year day in a 3-stop visit in Columbus — Growlers Dog Bones, the Buckeye Lady and the Flag Lady with lunch at Roosters. The other day trips will include Marion, Sugar Creek for a magic show and the story of Ruth, La Comedia Dinner Theater for two matinees, Hartville Kitchen for a tribute to Bob Hope, Sandusky for Firelands Adventure Tour, and Dayton to again enjoy the artistry of Elva Hurst — the chalk talk artist who visited the area last August.

Overnight trips include the three-day trip to Pennsylvania to the Sight and Sounds Theater to see “Daniel,” and a four-day trip to Tennessee to get a flavor of some country music legends.

For further information on any of these excursions, call 419-864-7520. It is the group’s hope that members come happy, but return happier!

Information received from Linda Ruehrmund.

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