Interim chief sworn in


The Aug. 21 Mount Gilead Village Council meeting opened with the swearing in of Interim Fire Chief Mark Carey following the presentation of the 2023 Tucker Award to Ruth Logan and Robin Brucker.

Morrow County Operations Manager Jamie Brucker reported on county developments which will affect the village. The demolition of the white house on East High Street will proceed after asbestos abatement is completed.

Brucker said the county has had hearings on the HPM property on state Route 95 and tanks buried at that location. A lot of asbestos has been found at HPM I on Lincoln Avenue. Much of the grant money slated for that project will go for the asbestos abatement.

The county is working on a plan with the village to build a county garage at the county property on Home Road that was once the site of the county home. A bond issue is being considered in order to go forward with funding for the project.

Captain Tom Cronenwett gave the police report for Chief Adam Lakey, who was away at a seminar. He said Morrow County Healthcare Coalition approved $3,000 for the purchase of five rapid response vests, medical kits, tourniquet holders, and magazine pouches for each police cruiser.

The speed sign will be moved to Park Avenue for the beginning of the school year. There was a decrease in speeding on Orchard Lane due to the sign placement there this summer.

Council approved Lakey’s request of Caden Moser as a police officer recruit effective Aug. 21. His training at North Central State Police Academy was approved by council in the amount of $8,196, and the village will be reimbursed for the amount by a grant. Jason Robinson was approved by council as a full-time police officer with a starting date of Aug. 28.

Carey gave the month’s fire department report with 38 calls answered. Repairs for the ladder truck will be tabled until an estimate and coverage of payment is determined.

Council member Chris Sherbourne said the safety committee is working with Carey on protocols for what runs will be taken by the department. The committee and Carey are also checking on tornado sirens. The company they are working with said it may be able to put the village sirens back into operation.

Village Administrator Derek Allen said they are looking at an OPWC emergency grant for repairs on North Main Street. Kokosing Construction Company estimated the work at $176,000. ODOT is questioning the amount of the estimate.

Residents of Whetstone Drive north of Mount Gilead on state Route 61 submitted a petition to have the village maintain their private drive. The council approved only the service of snow removal for the street and not maintenance.

Allen said recycling was postponed for a week while the recycle truck was being repaired. The recycle truck collected 2,526 pounds of recyclable material in July.

Mount Gilead schools requested to have the zoning/building permit fee of $24,000 be waived for the construction of new facilities at the football stadium. Council approved the recommendation of the finance committee and Allen not to waive the fee. The funds from the permit will be applied to paving the parking lot used by the Cherry Street School building.

Allen said the village received confirmation July 25 that the village is to get $225,000 in ARPA funding from the State of Ohio for critical infrastructure improvement. Application for the funding was made in 2021 for evaluation and design for improvements to the current water plant. Council approved a motion to accept the funding agreement and also approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to meet the deadline for completion of the grant on Dec. 31, 2024.

Aug. 31 will be the last day the village swimming pool will be open.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for The Morrow County Sentinel.

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