OPSB approves large solar energy project


COLUMBUS – The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) on Thursday authorized Blossom Solar, LLC to construct a 144 megawatt (MW) solar-powered electric generating facility in Washington Township in Morrow County.

The Blossom Solar project will consist of large arrays of photovoltaic modules, commonly referred to as solar panels, ground-mounted on a tracking rack system, as well as associated facilities including access roads, underground and overhead electric collection lines, weather stations, inverters and transformers, and a collection substation. The project will occupy approximately 1,073 acres comprised of private land secured by Blossom Solar through agreements with landowners. The OPSB required 41 conditions that the developer must adhere to in order to minimize and mitigate potential impacts during construction and operation of the facility.

In separate business, the OPSB granted requests filed by Powell Creek Solar LLC and Guernsey Power Station, LLC to withdraw applications for amendments to their facilities in Putnam and Guernsey counties, respectively.

Additional information about Thursday’s OPSB decisions is available at www.OPSB.ohio.gov. Copies of Thursday’s OPSB orders will be available in case numbers 22-0151-EL-BGN (Blossom Solar) and 22‑0915-EL-BGA (Powell Creek Solar), and 23-0047-EL-BGA (Guernsey Power Station). A recorded webcast of Thursday’s OPSB meeting is available on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/PUCOhio.

The Ohio Power Siting Board reviews applications for the construction of major utility facilities in Ohio. Together with Ohio’s elected officials, citizen stakeholders, and the energy industry, the Board strives to build a strong and competitive foundation for Ohio’s future.

Submitted by the Ohio Power Siting Board.

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