Honor, service saluted at Marengo Memorial Day


MARENGO — “We honor the lives of those who gave their lives in service to our country and others who have dropped their burdens by the wayside of life and gone to their eternal rest. May the ceremonies of today deepen our reverence for our departed friends,” said American Legion Post 0710 Commander Don Callahan at the opening of Marengo’s Memorial Day ceremony.

The Marengo Memorial Day parade stepped off on a sunny May 30 and proceeded to Marengo Cemetery where Callahan delivered the opening remarks and Post Chaplain Bob Campbell offered prayer.

Second Vice Commander Department of Ohio Charles Stennis Jr. was the guest speaker.

“It was an outstanding parade and the band sounded fantastic,” Stennis said.

He spoke about “Asking, Seeking, and Knocking.”

“Not only do we come out here on the last Monday in May to celebrate those who have served, those who are serving, and those who are about to serve, we have to take a step back and understand why this is all happening,” Stennis continued.

He said we should ask those who gave their lives why they sacrificed their lives and efforts. He said it was primarily for service, for the love of country and for the love of one another.

Stennis said his father-in-law was a World War II veteran and Stennis asked him why.

His father-in-law replied, “Because that’s what we all did back then. We didn’t ask any questions; we just went off and did it.”

Stennis said we should continue to seek to support those who are now serving by keeping them in prayers, giving them a phone call, or sending them letters.

He concluded with suggesting we knock on doors and show up to continue to ,not only support veterans, but also one another. He said, for him, knocking includes finding ways to stop 22 veterans a day from dying by suicide and finding ways to prevent veteran homelessness.

The ceremony also honored the Legion Post’s only surviving World War II veteran Don Harris.

“I want to thank all of you for honoring my brothers and although I served in World War II, I don’t feel that I need to be honored more than those who lost their lives.”

The placing of the wreath was performed by the American Legion Auxiliary, followed by the Armed Forces medley by the Highland Band, and then the Legion’s firing squad’s salute.

Callahan thanked the Boys Scouts, the firefighters, the sheriff’s deputies, and the Highland Scots Marching Band and all those who participated in the parade.

Note: For all of the Sentinel’s Marengo Memorial Day photos visit the Morrow County Sentinel online.

World War II veteran Don Harris is taken off guard when asked and he offered a humble reply. Harris is the oldest member, at 96, of Marengo American Legion Post 0710.
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/06/web1_thumbnail_DSC_0382-1.jpgWorld War II veteran Don Harris is taken off guard when asked and he offered a humble reply. Harris is the oldest member, at 96, of Marengo American Legion Post 0710. Rhonda Bletner | Morrow County Sentinel

American Legion Second Vice Commander Department of Ohio Charles Stennis Jr. encourages the Memorial Day audience to reach out and support America’s veterans.
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/06/web1_thumbnail_DSC_0379-1.jpgAmerican Legion Second Vice Commander Department of Ohio Charles Stennis Jr. encourages the Memorial Day audience to reach out and support America’s veterans. Rhonda Bletner | Morrow County Sentinel

By Rhonda Bletner

[email protected]

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