Safe Harbor Peer Support Services holiday giveaway

A holiday giveaway at Safe Harbor Peer Support Services center in Morrow County, No Limits Outreach Center, provided gifts and holiday meals for more than eighty-five local families in Morrow and Delaware counties from Dec. 6-10.

“All the families appreciated the private shopping experience,” said Loretta Martin, No Limits Center coordinator. “Several noted that without Safe Harbor’s giveaway, they may not have had Christmas at all.”

The holiday giveaway was set up like a mini department store where selected families shopped for new household items, clothing, shoes, and toys to fill their holiday list, along with food to prepare their holiday meal.

“The Christmas holiday tends to bring about additional anxiety and depression for those who may not have the funds for holiday gifts or food,” noted Angi Lee, Executive Director for Safe Harbor Peer Support Services. “Safe Harbor recognizes there are many families in need, and we are pleased to support the community and these families, bringing a sense of peace and joy to their lives.”

After the giveaway, the staff and volunteers of Safe Harbor boxed up all remaining new items and delivered them to the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Morrow County for their combined collection of goods to be taken to the families in Kentucky whose lives and homes were devastated by the tornado that hit in early December.

Safe Harbor Peer Support Services provides peer-supported wellness programs every weekday at no charge to adults in Delaware, Morrow, and surrounding Ohio counties at two welcoming centers: Annie’s Outreach in Delaware, Ohio and No Limits Outreach in Morrow County.

Staff and volunteers of Safe Harbor Peer Support Services boxed up and delivered new Holiday gift items to the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Morrow County for the families in Kentucky devastated by the early December tornado. and volunteers of Safe Harbor Peer Support Services boxed up and delivered new Holiday gift items to the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Morrow County for the families in Kentucky devastated by the early December tornado. Courtesy photo

Staff Report