The Cardington FFA Chapter celebrated the Greenhand members and their achievements during five days in December. The week began with the Greenhand banquet which was hosted on Dec. 14.

Members received their Greenhand Degrees and their FFA jackets. The chapter thanks the Farm Association for purchasing the jackets each year for every member during their freshman year.

Three days later the chapter carried on their celebration for the Greenhand members. That day, during school, the freshman students had the opportunity to participate in a virtual State Officer Workshop hosted by the Ohio FFA State President, Bethany Starlin. Later that evening the Greenhand members participated in New Member Night when the members were split into teams with the chapter officers leading them.

The theme for new member night was Disney so each team had a different Disney character they were named after. The chapter officers dressed up in costumes relating to their team character. The teams competed in games such as Ahona Ball (volleyball), Disney trivia, Princess Relay (obstacle course) and an escape room to find Cinderella’s glass slipper.

The FFA team with the most points at the end of the night was awarded with gold Mickey Mouse ears. The next morning the senior FFA members painted the Greenhand members’ hands green to represent their accomplishment of becoming Greenhand members.

Cardington FFA members dressed in their costumes for the Disney-themed member night event are from left: Meghan Greenwalt, Colin McAvoy, Cameron Kinsey, Bryce Moodispaugh, Camrie Meyers, Erin Wollett, FFA advisor, Izzy Crum, Crooke Clapham, Lexy Brook-Hobbs, Tess Ruehrmund and Joe Denney. FFA members dressed in their costumes for the Disney-themed member night event are from left: Meghan Greenwalt, Colin McAvoy, Cameron Kinsey, Bryce Moodispaugh, Camrie Meyers, Erin Wollett, FFA advisor, Izzy Crum, Crooke Clapham, Lexy Brook-Hobbs, Tess Ruehrmund and Joe Denney. Courtesy Photo

By Brooke Clapham

Cardington FFA

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