Karen’s Kids helps others


Karen’s Kids Campus Daycare in Marengo, has been busy this holiday season, even with the COVID-19 pandemic. The parents and staff at the center have been accepting items for the foster children in the Morrow County area. Items that were collected this year where essential needs such as tooth paste, brushes, combs, deodorant, socks, underclothing, blanket, etc. The numerous donated presents under their tree will be delivered to Ohio Family & Children’s Services Foster Care program.

Karen’s Kids Campus Daycare in Marengo, has been busy this holiday season, even with the COVID-19 pandemic. The parents and staff at the center have been accepting items for the foster children in the Morrow County area. Items that were collected this year where essential needs such as tooth paste, brushes, combs, deodorant, socks, underclothing, blanket, etc. The numerous donated presents under their tree will be delivered to Ohio Family & Children’s Services Foster Care program.
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2020/12/web1_IMG_2564-1-.jpgKaren’s Kids Campus Daycare in Marengo, has been busy this holiday season, even with the COVID-19 pandemic. The parents and staff at the center have been accepting items for the foster children in the Morrow County area. Items that were collected this year where essential needs such as tooth paste, brushes, combs, deodorant, socks, underclothing, blanket, etc. The numerous donated presents under their tree will be delivered to Ohio Family & Children’s Services Foster Care program. Courtesy Photo

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