Morrow Democrats connect person-to-person


MOUNT GILEAD — The Morrow County Democratic Women met Tuesday Sept. 1, via Zoom.

President Lindsey Kohlenburg thanked all those who have worked on the phone making calls. Their purpose was to call Morrow County Democrats with information about candidates and to make sure people’s registration information is up-to-date by the registration deadline on Oct. 5.

Several members have been calling, writing and sending postcards with information about Democrat candidates: Joe Biden for President, Jennifer L. Brunner and John P. O’Donnell for Ohio Supreme Court, Alaina Shearer for U.S. Congress, Craig Swartz for Ohio State Senate, Nicholas Barnes for State Representative, and Morrow County Commissioner candidates Michael Baker and Paul Hinkle.

Members also discussed ways they can help Morrow County Development Disabilities and Whetstone with their levy.

Susan Devol had descriptions of several committees both the Democratic Women and Democrat Central Committee are organizing. Committees include: Social media, Letters and correspondence to newspapers, writing about issues of rural importance and training/learning to use Zoom, Buffer and Cava, signs and visits around the county, County Fair and other events.

Signs for Joe Biden and both the local and statewide candidates are available at Kim and Mike Porters in Mount Gilead and Marnie and Ray Buckels in Cardington. Morrow County Democratic Committee Chairman, Susan Grundy is the contact person to get a sign and she can be reached at 419-768-1110 to reserve and obtain a sign.

Beginning Saturday, Sept. 12, county Democrats will be at village locations around the county on Saturdays to provide information, signs, buttons and other merchandise with a donation. Grundy said the Saturday locations will be posted on Facebook.

One member asked why there aren’t more signs around the county. Kohlenburg answered that campaign signs have not been as important for Democrats.

“Democrats put more stock in personal communication like calls and door-to-door visits,” Kohlenburg said.

Grundy also said their signs often get stolen.

Important dates were noted: The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 5. Beginning Oct. 6, voters can vote early in person at the Board of Elections in Mount Gilead. Absentee ballots can be mailed in or put directly into the drop box on the maintenance garage by the Morrow County Community Services Building.

Poll workers are also needed for election Nov. 3. Information for working the polls is on the Morrow County Board of Election website.

More information about Morrow County, state and national Democrats is on their website:, they are also on Facebook at Morrow County Democratic Women and Morrow County Democrats. They are on Twitter @morrow_dems.

Morrow County Democrats in front of the former Chamber of Commerce office are placing candidate signs around the county. From left: Ruth Baker and County Commissioner candidate Michael Baker, Susan Grundy, Susan Devol and Kim and Mike Porter. County Democrats in front of the former Chamber of Commerce office are placing candidate signs around the county. From left: Ruth Baker and County Commissioner candidate Michael Baker, Susan Grundy, Susan Devol and Kim and Mike Porter. Courtesy Photo

Staff Report

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