Traveling to Columbus for the 212/360 FFA conference were 55 Cardington FFA members who left from the school early on Jan. 19. They met with state officers and other FFA members from across the state until the conference began.

After its opening the freshmen and sophomore members attended the 212 section of the conference. The significance of the number 212 is that this is the boiling point of water. At this part of the conference, members had to opportunity to learn how to fully involve themselves in FFA and what takes them all the way to their boiling points.

The juniors and seniors attended the 360 section of the conference where the significance of these numbers is that it is full circle. Here, members reflected on their experiences in the FFA and how they can make themselves well-rounded individuals.

All those attending were guests at the dinner which was followed by a dance. Following more meetings the next morning, chapter members returned home and reflected on the amazing experiences they had while anticipating next year’s event.

Fifty-five Cardington FFA members attended a conference this month in Columbus. Cardington FFA members attended a conference this month in Columbus. Courtesy Photo

By Tess Ruehrmund

Cardington FFA reporter

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