Community Center kicks off year with Fitness Challenge


MOUNT GILEAD — The Morrow County Community Center Board President, Jim Helt noted that the Community Center will complete their 12th year as a gym and fitness center in December this year.

The Community Center will offer a 90 day fitness challenge for the fourth year beginning with registration on Monday, January 6 – January 13.

Participants in the program will have their blood pressure taken and weigh in at the beginning and end of the 90 days. Waist measurement and Body Mass Index (BMI) will be recorded. Points for awards will be given for registration, attendance at the gym with weekly check-in, and attendance for Walk with a Doc.

One difference this year will be the group exercise times on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Community Center fitness trainer Stephanie Cowles will have introductory classes “How to get the most out of your work out.” Other resource people will be available each month for motivation, inspiration and information.

Community Center Business Manager, Tami Morrow said that a great incentive for regular attendance is not only getting fit, but the chance to win cash or a three month membership at the end of 90 days..

“The Community Center awards the two top participants with the most attendance and /or best results the choice of a cash reward or a free membership,” Morrow said. “Past award winners were Dixie Shinaberry, Allen Stojkovic, Susie Colgrove and Rhonda Dettra.”

*In other Community Center announcements at the Dec. 11 board meeting, Interim Director Alberta Stojkovic thanked three board members for their service and introduced new board members.

“Thank you to our board member Becky Drouhard for her years of service,” Stojkovic said. “Becky is always positive, always present and we can count on her to help with activities. She has offered great ideas and encouragement to the Community Center and the board for growth. We will really miss her.”

Stojkovic added that board member Jim Brucker will also be missed. He finished his second three-year term this year.

“Jim has worked with us as both a board member and volunteer at the gym. He’s also given many good suggestions for our building and in considering other locations and possibilities for the future for our Community Center.”

Volunteer Pete Dettra reported a good turnout for the Winterfest Open House. He did an informal count of about 50 who stopped in to visit the gym and ask about memberships and gift certificates for Christmas.

The board will work on a strategic plan for the future this year. Board members discussed bringing in both members and residents around the county to survey their interests. Volunteer Jeanine Girard reported that there has been a good response to the member survey that is going on at the Community Center this month. Members are encouraged to complete surveys before Dec. 24.

Any Morrow County residents who are interested in participating in strategic planning for the Community Center Gym and Fitness programs are encouraged to call the Community Center or stop in there at 16 S. Main St. in Mount Gilead or call 419-947-2100. 2020 Center Board members are: Gail Cunningham, Rhonda Dettra, Matthew Griffith, James Helt, Jeff Stuttler, Jessica Trainer, Paul Turner and Mary Weiler.

The Community Center Gym on the Square in Mount Gilead will offer a 90-day Fitness Challenge for the fourth year. Here Community Center members enjoy the ellipticals at the open house last year. Community Center Gym on the Square in Mount Gilead will offer a 90-day Fitness Challenge for the fourth year. Here Community Center members enjoy the ellipticals at the open house last year. Courtesy Photo

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