Bike lending program kicks off


CARDINGTON — Owning a library card has many benefits and now there is an added one for those who are patrons of the Cardington-Lincoln Public Library.

Pedal Morrow County, a joint venture of the Cardington-Lincoln Public Library and the Morrow County Mobility Management project, kicked off Aug. 10 when the guidelines were revealed.

Youngsters were treated to a Bounce House and all visitors were treated to a lunch sponsored by the Seth Maceyko Snuggle Time Foundation. Tim Maceyko also gave away books he authored titled “Seth’s Snuggle Time,” amd signed copies of his new book.

Contributions to the new bike program are being made by Jeff Youngs, Mid-Ohio Insurance; Paul Turner, Pastor of the First United Methodist Church, Cardington; The Seth Maceyko Snuggle Time Foundation and the Cardington Police Department and Officer Jason Kiefer.

Librarian Lisa Murray said, “This is initially a pilot bicycle lending program through the Cardington- Lincoln Public Library, and expansion of the Pedal Morrow County Bike Share is planned throughout the county.”

The title, “Pedal Morrow County,” was proposed by Teresa Fox who was awarded a gift card in a naming contest held in June.

Murray said there are lending service guidelines to be followed that include besides having a current library card, be at last 12 years of age and complete the lending agreement and liability waiver. Among the other guidelines are the fact there are no fees but if equipment is not returned when due, there is a $5 per day late fee. Routine maintenance of all equipment will be the responsibility of the library volunteers and/or a qualified bike shop.

Looking to the future, the group hopes safe bike paths to the school would be addressed or even bike paths established in Morrow County.

Murray said another positive of this program is that “Parents can ride bikes with their children. Typically, the children in a family will have a bike but the parents do not. Borrowing bikes from the library allow for family rides.”

There were 42 people attending the Saturday event and 16 bikes were repaired by three bike experts who donated their time and materials: Clint Knipper, Richard Luthas and Jeff Youngs.

Helping with the event were Andy Henry and Kelly Kikrpatrick, circulation assistants with the library; and Mark Wells, digital literacy trainer.

Murray and the other members of the pilot program invite the public to visit or call the library to learn more about the program. The library web site can also be visited at

Pastor Paul Turner right with Clint Knipper of Oxford who helped repair bikes Aug. 10 during the Pedal Morrow County kick off at the Cardington-Lincoln Library. Paul Turner right with Clint Knipper of Oxford who helped repair bikes Aug. 10 during the Pedal Morrow County kick off at the Cardington-Lincoln Library. Courtesy Photos | Angela Dendinger

Enjoying the Bounce House during the Pedal Morrow County kick off was Jewelyanna Harper, daughter of Michael Harper the Bounce House during the Pedal Morrow County kick off was Jewelyanna Harper, daughter of Michael Harper Courtesy Photos | Angela Dendinger

Cardington-LIncoln Public Library employees Andy Henry, an assistant; Marc Wells, digital library trainee and Lisa Murray, director. The three were instrumental in the Pedal Morrow County bike program held at the library. Public Library employees Andy Henry, an assistant; Marc Wells, digital library trainee and Lisa Murray, director. The three were instrumental in the Pedal Morrow County bike program held at the library. Courtesy Photos | Angela Dendinger

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinel

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