Mount Gilead family has first baby born in 2017 at Marion General


MARION, Ohio — Preston Carter Osborne was welcomed into the world as the first baby born at OhioHealth Marion General Hospital for the 2017 year. Preston was born at 1:50 p.m. on January 1, 2017 to Jeffrey and Ashely Osborne. Preston weighed in at eight pounds, three ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.

He was delivered by Rebecca Crockett, DO, and the attending physician was David Foulk, MD. The pediatrician is Steven Lee, MD.

“The first baby of the New Year is always special, but this year, our new year’s baby has been “branded” with the pride of being ‘MarionMade!,’” Bruce Hagen, president, OhioHealth Marion General Hospital said.

“MarionMade! is a community-wide campaign to remind ourselves that we can take pride in Marion, Ohio,” said Dean Jacob, President and CEO of MarionCommunity Foundation. “Marion Community Foundation is the proud sponsor ofMarionMade! and welcomes partners like OhioHealth to strengthen the brand by swaddling all newborns born at Marion General Hospital in a MarionMade! Branded blanket.

“We are excited to see our babies being born with the pride of Marion wrapped around them. Everyone can expect to hear a lot more about MarionMade! in the coming weeks and months, but this is a great way to kick things off,” added Jacob.

“OhioHealth in Marion is proud to be an early adopter of the MarionMade! brand. We have done a lot of work this year to make our commitment to the Marioncommunity known. We are proud to be a key player in many great initiatives that are happening. Marion is on the map as an example of positive movement and change – it’s exciting to be a part of that,” Hagen said.

“For a while, Marion admired its problems,” said Jacob. “We’ve turned a corner and many good people are looking at solutions and positive ways of viewing our community. MarionMade! is all about communicating the things we have to be proud of in Marion – its people, places, products, programs – and in this instance, new life in our community.”

“Just the idea brings a smile to your face.”

Pictured: Parents, Jeffrey and Ashely Osborne with the first baby of the new year in Marion county, Preston. Preston received the first MarionMade! blanket. Every baby born at Marion General Hospital will receive a MarionMade! blanket.

Courtesy photo Preston was born at 1:50 p.m. on January 1, 2017 to Jeffrey and Ashely Osborne. Preston weighed in at eight pounds, three ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long. photo Preston was born at 1:50 p.m. on January 1, 2017 to Jeffrey and Ashely Osborne. Preston weighed in at eight pounds, three ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.

Staff report

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