Morrow County Retired Teachers end year’s anniversary celebration with Christmas meeting

The Morrow County Retired Teachers Association concluded the year’s celebration of the organization’s 50th anniversary at their Christmas luncheon held Dec. 5 at Trinity UM Church. A decorated cake was served with dessert.

Follwoing group singing of Christmas carols led by Bonnie Hildebrand retiring president Pat Rinehart installed the 2017 officers: Bonnie Hildebrand, president; Pat Maxwell, president-elect; Judy Keil and Hazel Miller, co-secretaries; and Diana Gottfried, treasurer.

Volunteer hours were collected by Shelia Beck community service chairman. Don Burdsall conducted an auction of homemade and homebaked items with the proceeds to benefit the scholarship and general funds. Christmas cards were signed for absent members.

The executive committee will meet Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. at the Edison United Methodist Church. BuckeyeRidge Habitat for Humanity will present the program at the April 3, 2017 luncheon at Trinity UMC.

Courtesy photo 2017 MCRTA officers are shown from left: Bonnie Hildebrand, president; Pat Rinehart, retiring president; Pat Maxwell, president-elect; Hazel Miller and Judy Keil, co-secretaries and Diana Gottfried, treasurer. photo 2017 MCRTA officers are shown from left: Bonnie Hildebrand, president; Pat Rinehart, retiring president; Pat Maxwell, president-elect; Hazel Miller and Judy Keil, co-secretaries and Diana Gottfried, treasurer.
