Edison Village Council honors Reeder with retirement party


Edison Village Council members honored Street Commissioner, Jerry Reeder for his 19 years of service to the village with a potluck dinner and party. Council Member, Patti Feustal said that Reeder has been vital to the progress of the v illage in many ways beyond his work in the street department. She added that he had many years of experience in the utility business before coming to Edison and he brought that knowledge to many facets of the village projects. Engineer, Ed Hendricks of Delaware, Ohio worked on the village wastewater and water projects with Reeder and enjoyed attending and reminiscing about the projects they had worked on together. Hendricks said he really enjoyed working on the wastewater project for Edison and especially appreciated working with Reeder. Reeder said he is looking forward to this second retirement. His first retirement was from the utilities business for GTE where he worked in four states. Reeder said he enjoyed many things about working in the village. He was glad to see the clean-up of several properties. One of the biggest projects was the demolition of the Quonset huts by the elevator. He said the street crew deserved a lot of credit for their work on the park after that clean-up. As much as Reeder enjoyed his years in Mount Gilead, he is looking forward to being in the area of Columbia, Missouri, close to his daughter, Jeri Applegate

Alberta Stojkovic | The Sentinel

Jerry Reeder welcomes his daughter Jeri Reeder to his retirement party hosted by the Edison Village Council. Reeder is retiring after 19 years as Edison’s Street Commissioner."

http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2016/12/web1_DSCN0679.jpgAlberta Stojkovic | The Sentinel

Jerry Reeder welcomes his daughter Jeri Reeder to his retirement party hosted by the Edison Village Council. Reeder is retiring after 19 years as Edison’s Street Commissioner."

By Alberta Stojkovic

The Sentinel

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