Cries of ‘Merry Christmas!’ and non-stop shopping and caroling contrast with the feelings many people have at this time of year.

The members and staff of the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Gilead understand that the glitz and sparkle of the season’s celebrations do not meet everyone’s needs.

To support people who are feeling down or “blue” the Church is offering a “Blue Christmas Service” on the darkest, longest night of the year, Tuesday, December 20th at 7:00pm.

“No one is really immune to the “blues,” The church’s pastor, Deb Bowsher said. “Coupled with the cold, long nights of December, the holidays can feel miserable to people living with grief. If you’re suffering from the death of loved ones, dealing with separation or divorce, having a hard time finding employment, struggling with depression or a family crisis, Christmas can be an isolating, dreary time. So we’ve created a service for folks to help bring them ‘heart healing’ while recognizing the reality of grief.”

If you are looking for comfort, hope, wholeness, and renewal you’re invited to come to the church at 55 N. Cherry Street for a time of quiet reflection, meaningful words and music.

Courtesy photo

If you are looking for comfort, hope, wholeness, and renewal you’re invited to come to the church at 55 N. Cherry Street for a time of quiet reflection, meaningful words and music.

http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2016/12/web1_craff.jpgCourtesy photo

If you are looking for comfort, hope, wholeness, and renewal you’re invited to come to the church at 55 N. Cherry Street for a time of quiet reflection, meaningful words and music.

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