Albertson and Tiberi vie for 12th District seat in U.S. House of Representatives


There could hardly be a bigger contrast in agendas for two candidates of the U.S. House of Representatives than in the Ohio 12th District.

Incumbent, Pat Tiberi’s literature puts “demanding balanced budgets” at the top of his agenda. He lists as an example, cutting more than $2 million from his own office budget during his time in Congress.

In contrast Albertson’s literature lists “supporting legislation to develop alternative energy sources” at the top of his list of goals for office. He also supports a constitutional amendment that will overturn Citizens United ruling that allows ever larger campaign spending. He supports an increase in the minimum wage and tax code reform so everyone pays their fair share.

Tiberi’s online voting record shows supports for reform of the tax code to create a simpler, flatter tax with a more understandable tax system. He also wants to cut unfair regulations and is fighting over burdensome regulations on American produced energy. He wants to repeal Obamacare and has shown support for privatization of Social Security.

Albertson puts supporting legislation to keep Social Security and Medicare safe and strong and opposes privatization of Social Security. He supports equal pay for women and LGBT rights.

Republican Tiberi has spent the past 24 years in government service. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University and was first elected to the Ohio House of Representatives in 1992 and served there until 2001. He was elected to the 12th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000 and has been there 16 years.

In contrast Democrat Ed Albertson brings 30 years’ experience working in business. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania Military Academy and served six years in the U.S. Army. He has worked for small businesses including Teal Construction, BDM Corp. Huthwaite Systems Analyst and Carew International. He has also worked in big business with Southwestern Bell and AT & T as an IT manager.

In four recent visits to Morrow County Albertson has pointed out that “Tiberi’s campaign has been funded in excess of $4 million dollars by special interests,” whereas he is funded by small private donations and self-funding. Albertson considers his experience of over 30 years in private sector business a large advantage in getting things done in Congress.

Tiberi sees his 24 years of experience in Congress as a large asset in “showing Washington how” in balancing the budget, reforming the tax code and cutting burdensome regulations.

Both candidates take pride in their families and children. Albertson has been married to Beth for 44 years and has two children and two grandchildren. Tiberi and his wife Denice have five daughters. More detailed information is on the candidates websites at: and

By Alberta Stojkovic

The Sentinel

Reach us at [email protected]

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