Highland Middle School robotics team wins Vex Robotics Middle School State Championship


The Highland Middle School robotics team, 6390-A, which consisted of members Brennon Luce, Nefi Bumpus, and Austin Egleberry won the Vex Robotics Middle School State Championship on Friday. They were part of a three team alliance and will now travel to Louisville for the Vex Middle School Worlds Championship in April. The team was one of the four Highland Middle School teams who qualified and part of a field of 26 teams from across Ohio.

Each team participated in seven qualifying rounds in the morning session and 6390-A was the only team who went undefeated. After qualifying matches, the top eight seeded teams selected two alliance partners for the afternoon tournament where each round is the best of three matches. Again, 6390-A was strong only losing one match during the tournament. They won the final round that gave them a record for the day of 13-1.

“These kids have worked hard all year to get to this point and all our teams deserve recognition for their efforts,” Tom Gildersleeve, robotics teacher and coach, stated. “To win the State Championship, and considered the best in Ohio, that’s awesome. He also said they plan to enjoy the moment, but it will be back to work preparing for Louisville on Monday.”

Courtesy photo State Middle School Vex Robotics champions from Highland are from left; Nefi Bumpus, Brennon Luce and Austin Egleberry.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2016/03/web1_20160304_155050-5b1-5d.jpgCourtesy photo State Middle School Vex Robotics champions from Highland are from left; Nefi Bumpus, Brennon Luce and Austin Egleberry.

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