Northmor students host food drive for Fresh Faith Community Church


Northmor Jobs for Ohio Graduates had their annual food drive and collected almost 2000 items to give to the Fresh Faith Community Church in Mount Gilead.

The JOG students held a competition for junior high and high school first period classes, and the first place winners received a pizza party.

This year’s winners were Mark Yaussy’s junior high math class and in the high school it was LaNeta Wertz’s English Class along with Mr. Hutch’s students. Between both winning classes there was a 1000 items collected.

The group is still collecting food and will take them to the next chosen site.

Courtesy photo Seniors, Andrew Yarnell and Chuck Zinn loading up boxes from the JOG annual food drive. photo Seniors, Andrew Yarnell and Chuck Zinn loading up boxes from the JOG annual food drive.

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