
‘Hanging Out With the Queen of Fun’


“We’ll have fun … even if no one else does!,” said Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld, teaching artist through the Ohio Arts Council. Chenfeld, an acclaimed creative writer, author and multidisciplinary artist and dancer, served as a resident artist with Highland Middle School during the 2023-2024 school year through a TeachArtsOhio grant that was awarded through the Ohio Arts Council.

Wild turkey season shaping up to be good


My favorite springtime activity is almost here. There is nothing more exhilarating to experience in the woods in the spring than to trick a gobbler to come to your calling. With the early spring weather this year, the turkeys should be in the heart of their breeding season which should make the season opener a good one.

Cracking down on Mexican steel imports


In Ohio, we know too well how bad trade policy has hurt steel towns – including the businesses, workers, and communities they’ve built.

Story behind historic magazine in Williamsburg


“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Working to lower Ohioans’ grocery bills


We know corporations are constantly finding new ways to charge customers more and boost their profits. Every time Ohioans check out at the store, they aren’t just paying for their groceries, they’re paying for corporate stock buybacks and executive bonuses.

Patterning shotgun helpful in turkey hunting


This early warm spring weather has been getting me excited about turkey hunting. Chasing gobblers is one of my most favorite things to do outdoors. There are a lot of things that are important to being successful with turkey hunting but this week’s column is going to focus on one task that is often overlooked, and that is patterning your shotgun.

Beatings, beratings and boxes of votes


“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

Calling on Biden administration to close trade loophole


We know what a problem unfair foreign competition is – particularly by countries like China, where companies are always finding new ways to cheat.

Crappies are one of the easiest fish to hook


March is here and with the mild winter and early warm up, so is the fishing season. The walleye are biting up at Lake Erie and just this past weekend, I noticed a lot of bank fishermen were out on the inlets and cuts trying to catch crappie and perch.

Letter: Dolan will get things done


Ohio will play a pivotal role in determining which party holds the majority in the United States Senate next year. It is important that we send a candidate with proven conservative credentials to Washington who has a track record of getting things done to improve the lives of all Ohioans.


Mount Gilead
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