Village seeking grant for body worn cameras


Grant opportunities and the village’s operating procedure for body worn cameras by police officers was discussed during the Cardington Village Council meeting on Oct. 2.

Fiscal Officer Deb Fry discussed with council members the current and upcoming grant possibilities the village will be pursuing.

“We have found out from the USDA that we would be eligible for a $50,000 grant based upon population at the area that is being served,” Fry said. “We did also submit the application for the body worn cameras to the Ohio Department of Criminal Justice last Thursday for the police department. Unfortunately, this is just for the cameras only. We are still looking to try to locate something for the cruisers.”

Ordinance 2023-27 amending the standard operating procedure for body worn cameras for the Cardington Police Department was read by council member John Nippert. Fry explained the reason for the ordinance.

“One of the qualifications that we needed for the body worn cameras grant was that we needed to update our standard operating procedures to match the criteria for the certification that we needed,” Fry stated. “We reached out to Marion since they are certified now and did a comparison to be sure that everything that is in their procedures is in ours.”

The ordinance was approved.

Resolution 2023-32 referring an ordinance to initiate an amendment to the Village Zoning Ordinance was read by council member Steve Burton. Village Solicitor Jim Dietz detailed the need for the legislation.

“FEMA has come out with new floodplain maps. In order for the village to participate in the future in any disaster relief funds, with respect to the floodplain areas, we have to update our ordinances,” explained Dietz.

The resolution was approved by council.

Contact Erin Miller at 419-512-2662

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