Candidates, justices speak at JFK Dinner


Morrow County Democrats welcomed statewide candidates and two Ohio Supreme Court justices at their annual JFK Dinner Aug. 11.

Candidates for Ohio’s 4th congressional districts, Tamie Wilson and Stephen Thomas, joined Ohio Supreme Court justices Michael Donnelly and Melody Stewart with introductions by County Democrat Chairman Susan Grundy.

Wilson spoke following dinner about seminars she attended on domestic terrorism. She spoke about concerns she is working on for safety of social media and cybersecurity as well as mental health issues. She is already working on five bills which would benefit Ohio.

Thomas said the present congressman, Jim Jordan, has not brought any bills to benefit the district. He said the best way to make Congress more productive is to change the people who are presently in Congress. Thomas emphasized the importance of bringing well-paying jobs to Ohio. He touted his own experience in building an Ohio-based software company which created 250 high-paying jobs.

Donnelly said it’s important to know that justices and judges are elected to follow the law. He regrets Republicans changed the rules to label the justice candidates political parties in elections. Donnelly is working on sentencing laws. He noted that murderers and rapists in some cases have a more lenient sentence than someone who committed felony thefts in a nursing home. He said he certainly doesn’t excuse the thefts, but questioned the 65-year sentence for a 55-year-old woman.

Stewart also spoke about legislation enacted to put party affiliation on the ballot. Stewart said it’s good to have a balance on the Supreme Court. Before the legislation to put party affiliation on the ballot by the judges’ names, not much attention was paid to the court. She would like to keep the diversity on the court.

Donnelly concluded his remarks by saying voters need to inform themselves on the candidates and recognize their names.

“We need people (candidates) who want to do good without personal gain or a political agenda,” Donnelly said.

When asked about the situation of gerrymandering in Ohio, Stewart said she hopes to avoid gerrymandering in 2024. She would like to see a truly independent commission be named to redraw the district maps. She said it should be a commission without politicians.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for the Morrow County Sentinel.

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