Cardington FFA welcomes new members


The Cardington FFA officer team held a new member orientation on July 31 that both welcomed and inaugurated freshmen through various activities. These activities had basic aspects of being a member in FFA, reflected by the CDE matching station, as well as entertaining activities that encouraged new members to build social and team skills, such as in the “obstacle course,” where members were encouraged to show leadership by guiding their partner through obstacles.

The freshmen were initially separated into new mentorship groups led by an officer, also known as an “FFAmily.” This mentorship group helps students build connections that will encourage them on their journey throughout the FFA experience.

After orientation, a pool party was held for all members. Students had the opportunity to swim, socialize and eat. At the end of the party, the annual belly flop challenge was held, where a girl and boy from each grade volunteered to participate in the painful challenge to have the best belly flop out of the whole chapter. Each member who participated also had the chance to “pie” an officer with a plate of whipped cream, and then push them into the pool — a much-deserved reward after their previous painful endeavor.

The night was closed out with much fun and a newfound excitement for FFA.

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