Mount Gilead students’ art work on display in Columbus


The art work of four Mount Gilead students was displayed at the Rhodes State Office Tower in Columbus recently.

The art work of Mason Kirkpatrick, Grade 2, was selected for exhibition in the 2019 Ohio Art Education Association’s Young People’s Art Exhibit.

Also displayed were the works of Jayden Andrews, an eighth grader, and that of seventh graders Lilyth Edgerly and Victoria Salvito. These exhibits represented Ohio students in grades pre-kindergarten through eighth were displayed for a month in the Rhodes Tower.

There were 131 pieces selected for the juried show from the eight regions of the state that represent OAEA, a professional organization for art teachers in Ohio.

The Young People’s Art Exhibition is developed through many volunteer hours by art teachers in the state. The works of Kirkpatrick and Andrews were submitted for the show by Robin Conrad, art educator at Park Avenue Elementary School.

Submitting the works of Edgerly and Slavito was Maria Miller, art educator at the Mount Gilead Middle School.

A reception and awards ceremony was held at Rhodes Office Tower during the show.


Art work prepared by students from the Park Avenue Elementary School was displayed during the annual Artapalooza Art Show held at the Mid Ohio Educational Service Center.

With works from 500 students, Artapalooza offers everything from paintings to clay pottery, portrait work, mâché and more. All the pieces displayed were completed by students from first grade through high school seniors.

Park Avenue was selected from a field of 18 schools as the Best of Show by the panel of judges who critiqued the high schools, middle schools and elementary schools, each separately. The judge’s focus for this award was to select schools that demonstrated the best work as collective.

Gweneth Hershner and Jayden Fisher received individual honors.

“I would like to congratulate all of the Park Avenue students on an outstanding job,” said art teacher Robin Conrad. “I am proud to teach such a talented group of young artists.”

The art work of these four Mount Gilead art students was displayed at the Rhodes Tower recently. Shown are, back from left: Jayden Andrews, Lilyth Edgerly and Victoria Salvito and Mason Kirkpatrick, front. art work of these four Mount Gilead art students was displayed at the Rhodes Tower recently. Shown are, back from left: Jayden Andrews, Lilyth Edgerly and Victoria Salvito and Mason Kirkpatrick, front. Courtesy Photo

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinela

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