The Happy Wanderers were represented by Linda Ruehrmund when the Cardington American Legion, Jenkins-Vaughn Post 97 had its January meeting. The picture the group presented to the post was the framed chalk drawing done by artist Elva Hurst when she was in the area in August. She took the picture back to Pennsylvania to have it preserved and framed. When the Happy Wanderers visited her studio in November, members brought the picture back with them. The story told while she drew it was “Memories of a Great Generation.” The Happy Wanderers are pleased to be able to preserve this memory for the post in exchange for allowing Elva to present her program there for about 150 people. Pictured are Jim Robinson and Linda Ruehrmund.


The Happy Wanderers were represented by Linda Ruehrmund when the Cardington American Legion, Jenkins-Vaughn Post 97 had its January meeting. The picture the group presented to the post was the framed chalk drawing done by artist Elva Hurst when she was in the area in August. She took the picture back to Pennsylvania to have it preserved and framed. When the Happy Wanderers visited her studio in November, members brought the picture back with them. The story told while she drew it was “Memories of a Great Generation.” The Happy Wanderers are pleased to be able to preserve this memory for the post in exchange for allowing Elva to present her program there for about 150 people. Pictured are Jim Robinson and Linda Ruehrmund.