Edison Council plans for highway expenses

EDISON- Edison Council approved moving money from the General Fund to the State Highway Fund at their December 12 meeting.

Fiscal Officer Bruce Seaburn explained the money will be needed in 2023 for the paving of SR 95, which runs through the south end of the village.

The paving is scheduled for 2024 by the state and an estimate is for $30,000 for Edison’s portion. Payment may be required in 2023.

Village Administrator Mary Neviska reported the snow plow has been repaired in preparation for winter.

Neviska is still planning on replacing the old generator which is 22 years old. She is looking for the best deal.

Village Attorney Bailey Higgins and Mayor Patti Feustal are still trying to find a solution to the home on Shortline Street which needs to be cleaned up.

Residents on East Street have contacted the village because they are paying Mount Gilead taxes, but are receiving services of water/sewer and other village services from Edison. Since they are in the Mount Gilead tax area, they pay a higher rate for their services.

Higgins is looking to see how annexing to Edison may make the most sense for these residents on East Street.

The next meeting of Edison Village Council will be Monday, January 9 at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Building. Edison Council’s monthly meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

By Alberta Stojkovic

For the Sentinel