Cardington Council meets for final time of the year


CARDINGTON- Finances were the topic when Cardington Village Council met for its final meeting of the year.

Following appropriate readings the following ordinances were approved (second and final readings). An ordinance adopting a tentative budget for 2023.

Bills approved for payment totaled $145,592 and included payment to (prospective billing) to Bureau of Workers Comp in the amount of $8,230.

Approved were ordinances authorizing the fiscal officer to write off as uncollectable certain utility bills and to reflect the same in village financial records as well as an ordinance to add to unclaimed funds in the amount of $38.28 for undeliverable utility credits.

Approved was an ordinance authorizing the fiscal officer to accept the Farmers Bank Loan for the 2022 Durango Pursuit (auto).

An approved resolution accepted the mayor’s and police chief’s recommendation of executing the radio dispatching agreement with the Morrow County Sheriff’s Office for 2023.

Reports to council included that of Village Administrator Walt Pollock who said final work on installing the drinking water facility at Maxwell Park is being made. He also said work on Cunard Street’s sewer and street is continuing at a fine pace.

Council agreed to meet just once in December and will meet next on January 3, 2023.

By Evelyn Long

For the Sentinel

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