Williamsport Grange #1815 holds holiday luncheon


The Williamsport Grange #1815 held their Christmas Luncheon and awards ceremony at Memory Lane Bed & Breakfast in Mount Gilead on Saturday, December 17th with 20 members and 5 guests present. This was the first time in three years that the Grangers have met in person due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Prayer for the meal was given by Lisa Tharp. Grangers enjoyed a meal of tossed salad, honey-baked chicken, cheesy potatoes, green beans, rolls and a choice of dessert of either cheesecake, apple crisp or a chocolate dessert. Grange President Donna Carver thanked Sam and Carolyn Beal, owners of Memory Lane Bed and Breakfast, for the delicious meal and festive atmosphere. Carver shared that Carolyn took great care to assist with members who had special dietary needs. Her efforts were greatly appreciated.

After the meal, the following members were recognized for membership milestones:

50 years Jan Broske, Floyd Hawk 65 years, June Hawk 70 years, Bruce Fissell 75 years and Dale Baker 75 years. Dale Baker was the only membership milestone member in attendance.

The Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Russ Mayer by President Donna Carver. This recognition goes to a non-Grange member who volunteers their time for a Grange activity. Mayer assisted with the Hometown Hero Veteran Banner Project this past year.

“Russ is always willing to lend a helping hand when needed and can be found at many county events.” Said Carver.

Granger of the Year was awarded to Jan Broske. She was unable to attend the luncheon but the group spoke to her via speakerphone during the awards ceremony. Jan lives in Delaware and has been a Grange member for 50 years. When her Grange closed she moved her membership to the Williamsport Grange. “Jan selflessly donates money any time we have an activity. She recently stepped up to be chairman of the sunshine committee which sends cards to members for various life events such as birthdays and anniversaries. “Jan has been a true blessing to our Grange.” Noted Carver.

A special award, the “Good Neighbor Award” was presented to Craig Alguire of Photorama Studio for the many ways he assists the Grange with the Hometown Hero Veteran Banner project. “Craig attends every sign-up day and works closely with the Grange to make each year go smoothly. The banners are beautiful and are truly appreciated by all who see them displayed on the main thoroughfares in Mount Gilead. “Craig goes above and beyond for our banner project and keeps the cost low for our sponsors.” Said Carver.

One item of business was voted on by the members. Grange Treasurer Kelly Lawrence has been actively researching setting up a scholarship program. Recently the Jugs Corners Grange closed its doors and donated their remaining funds of $192 to the Williamsport Grange. The Williamsport Grange is now the only remaining Grange in Morrow County. At one time there were over a dozen county Granges. After discussion a motion was made to add to the Jugs Corners donation for a total of $500 to begin the scholarship. It was noted that the scholarship will be called the Morrow County Granges Scholarship as a nod to the rich history of Granges in Morrow County.

It was wonderful to gather together and see our Grange brothers and sisters, some of whom we have not seen for several years, said Carver. “Gathering together was a treat and a blessing for us all.”

Craig Alguire
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/12/web1_Craig-Alguire.jpgCraig Alguire Photos submitted

https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/12/web1_Dale-Baker.jpgPhotos submitted

Russ Mayer
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/12/web1_Russ-Mayer.jpgRuss Mayer Photos submitted


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