Cardington council approves legislation


CARDINGTON- Meeting for the first time in a month, Cardington Village Council considered several ordinances and resolutions, adopting each after the first reading.

Under finances, council adopted an ordinance authorizing the appropriations and supplemental appropriations. Fiscal Officer Deb Fry reported the street department fund was healthy but the transfer of $250,000 was needed to be able to pay Kokosing once final approval from OHM Advisors on the Main Street/Riverview paving project has been received.

Also approved was an ordinance authorizing the permanent appropriations for the village for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. A resolution amending the procurement and purchasing policy for the village was also approved. It was explained this amendment is needed since the village is a recipient of ARPA funds.

Bills totaling $55,311.67 were approved for payment for August 15, 2022 and also approved was a total of $34,866.60 for September 6, 2022.

The first payable included payment of $11,156 to Guaranteed Performance for Maxwell Park/Nature/Works.

The September 6 payment included $6,006.00 to Guaranteed Performance Concrete for the Center Street Sidewalk.

Council approved an ordinance accepting the recommendation of the village administrator to accept the proposal from Kirk Bros Co. Inc. regarding the water treatment plant carbon filter rebuild project.

Approved was an ordinance accepting the recommendation of the village engineer to accept the bid of R. A. Bores Excavating, Inc. for the Cunard Street water main project, authorizing the village administrator and fiscal officer to enter into a contract.

A resolution amending the procurement and purchasing policy for the village was approved as was a resolution certifying to the county auditor for inclusion on the tax duplicate the amounts owed to the village for delinquent water and sewer charges.

Police Chief James Wallace shared with council there was an award made to Jason Kiefer, Cardington-Lincoln Schools Resource Officer. He was nominated by the Morrow County Commissioners for the 2022 Helping Hands Award which was given to him by the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board.

By Evelyn Long

For the Sentinel

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