Cardington-Lincoln School Board prepares for new school year


CARDINGTON- Members of the Cardington-Lincoln Board of Education kicked off the 2022-23 school year when they met on Monday, August 15.

During the three hour session reports were given including those by the school’s three principals, Joe Mills, high school, Eric Petit, middle school, and Scott Hardwick, elementary. Curriculum director Jennifer Zierden also provided a report. Each complimented the maintenance and custodial workers for their work in preparing the buildings for the coming year. They were especially complimentary of the newly remodeled middle school rest rooms.

Principal Hardwick noted that the playground, undergoing renovation will be completed by the opening of school September 6.

Jillian Kaufman reported on activity by the faculty association. Superintendent Brian Petrie reviewed the assessment of federal program, the district leadership team, the awarding of the school security grant, and gave an update on the stadium lighting project.

He noted the awarding of the school security grant will allow the installation of a sound system for the elementary school. In other matters, the board accepted the framed photo of the Class of 1933 from the family of Haden Reed. Also accepted was a donation of $301.82 from Todd and Joan Jolliff to the 2022 Cross Country Team for their end of the year team meal.

Under finance, the board approved the monthly financial report for June and July and approved Julian and Brube as Medicaid School Program auditors. Also approved was the employee dishonesty and faithful performance of duty insurance policy in lieu of bond and approved four FY 23 Federal Title Grants.

Under personnel, the board approved severance payment for Margaret Carrigan in the amount of $9,816.78 and for Marie Free-McGavin in the amount of $25,039,53.

The resignation of Carol Mosher, special education secretary, was approved effective September 30, 2022, last day worked.

The board accepted the resignation of Jill Webb, intervention teacher. This meeting adjourned following an executive session.

Cardington-Lincoln Schools is set to open September 6.

Board members include Matt Clinger, president; Pat Clark, vice president Sarah Struck, Quinn Maceyko and Chad Holt. Brenda Miller is treasurer.

2022-2023 school year kicks off Sept. 6

By Evelyn Long

For the Sentinel

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