Cardington-Lincoln BOE kicks off a busy summer


CARDINGTON — Meeting for the final session of the current school year the Cardington-Lincoln Board of Education approved the report of district Treasurer Jon Mason. Mason, whose position as the district treasurer began seven years ago, wrapped up his term July 1.

He related that the board has established two new funds, USDA Distance Learning grant for $728,000 and ODNR Kayak learning grant of $30,000.

The board also approved property, liability and fleet insurance renewal with Liberty Mutual; approved the final amended Certificate of Estimated resources of $15M general fund and 23 M total funds. The board approved the final appropriations for spending at $13M general fund and $20 M, all funds combined

Mason said he was pleased to report the general fund will end in another positive year.

“The number of days cash on hand will extend the goal of 60 days. When I began seven years ago, there was less than two days cash on hand. In addition to stabilizing the day-to-day general fund, the district now has a Permanent Improvement fund for technology and buses, as well as building and parking lot maintenance,” Mason said.

Supt Brian Petrie gave a brief update of the proposed School Safety Plan with a final report due this summer.

The board accepted the donations of #18,666 from the Cardington Vo Ag Farm Associaiton to the Cardington-Lincoln High School FFA program for the purchase of FFA jackets, the Spring banquet expenses and FFA camp costs.

Also accepted was a donation of $689 to the Class of 2026 to cover associated expenses for students Fy22 Washington DC trip; donation of $300 each from the Cardington-Lincoln Local Schools members of the Board of Education – Matt Clinger, Pat Clark, Sarah Struck, Quinn Maceyko and Chad Holt for the 2022 Board of Education scholarhships. Also accepted was a donation of $900 from Pepsico to the high school sophomore class for a recycling bin decoration contest.

Giving the faculty association report was Jillian Franks.

Approved was the SRO contract with the village of Cardington effective from August 1, 2022 to Juyly 31, 2023 at $56,502.45. Billing is only for day that school is in session.

Among the certified professional positions approved for FY 23 was that of Steve Fissell, Communications coordinator parent liaison, who Supt. Petrie described as “huge help” to him.

Following an executive session, the board announced a three percent pay increase for exempt employees; secretary to the superintendent, assistant treasurer and maintenance director/facilities manager.

This board meeting was three hours long, and there will be no board meeting in July.

By Evelyn Long

For the Sentinel

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