Eagle Scout project benefits flag football kids


MOUNT GILEAD — Highland High School freshman Ben Harris is excited to see his Eagle Scout community service project getting close to the finish line.

“This project is a major milestone towards accomplishing my Eagle Scout award,” Harris said. “It’s a sense of fulfillment, knowing I’ve done something for the community.”

Harris’s project has been to gather funds and plan for a utility building to be used by the children’s 4F-Flag football program at Fresh Faith Community Church in Mount Gilead.

Harris and his family attend the church and heard that the flag football program had no place to store equipment. The program for children ages 5 to 9 years old is just two years old and last year had 90-100 children participating.

Ben worked with flag football leaders to find out what was needed for the project. The first challenge was raising the $3,000 needed for an 8 foot by 12 foot utility building.

He spent six months getting donations and got a big boost from the Drug Mart store in Mount Gilead. Drug Mart had a “round up” at the check-out and customers’ contributions raised $593.09.

Store Manager Kristi Hardy said Drug Mart Pharmacist Tom Whiston matched the round up to $500.

“All the proceeds will go towards building the shed for 4F-Flag football,” Hardy said. “We’re happy to have our round up program support Ben’s Eagle Scout community service project for Troop 48.”

Ben’s mom Jennine Harris thanked Drug Mart for their help with the project. She said the next step will be receiving delivery of stone for the base of the shed in a couple weeks.

She added that Ben is very close to the total amount needed for the utility shed with about $500 still needed. He is still accepting contributions, which can be sent care of Faith Community Church.

Ben thanked his Boy Scout Troop 48 leader Justin Kipp and assistant leader, his dad, Bob Harris. He said this project will leave an impact on the community and will benefit many children.

Harris said his favorite subject at school is history and he is looking towards a career in engineering for the future. He is on the bowling team and does trap shooting for a youth shooting team in Sunbury.

Senior Pastor at Fresh Faith Community Church of the Nazarene said, “The church appreciates Ben’s commitment to his community and the outreach ministries of Fresh Faith. We count it a privilege and a blessing to have Ben’s parents Bob and Jennine and his brother Grant as a part of our church.”

“Ben Harris is a fine young man. Being willing to strive to become an Eagle Scout is a tremendous accomplishment,” McNew said.

Assistant Manager at Drug Mart Lacy Levings, left, and Pharmacist Tom Whiston, right, who matched the Drug Mart round up amount for the Eagle Scout project.
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/05/web1_959115842461363265.jpgAssistant Manager at Drug Mart Lacy Levings, left, and Pharmacist Tom Whiston, right, who matched the Drug Mart round up amount for the Eagle Scout project.

Drug Mart Manager Kristy Hardy, left, presents a check for $593.09 from the store’s round up program to Ben Harris, who id joined by Fresh Faith Church Pastor TJ McNew.
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/05/web1_PXL_20220505_190325327_2.jpgDrug Mart Manager Kristy Hardy, left, presents a check for $593.09 from the store’s round up program to Ben Harris, who id joined by Fresh Faith Church Pastor TJ McNew.

By Alberta Stojkovic

For the Sentinel

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