Board needs medical experience


To the Citizens of Morrow County,

I took the opportunity to attend the Morrow County Commissioners meeting on March 7, 2022. The meeting was to re-appoint or nominate a new person to the Morrow County Hospital Board of Trustees. The three commissioners and the Hon. Judge Hickson make up the Appointing Authority that decides who is nominated for consideration and then votes on who to appoint.

Eight people applied for this position. I know at least three of these candidates have extensive medical backgrounds. Judge Hickson asked the commissioners if any of the candidates had been interviewed? The reply was “no.” The judge then asked for the meeting to be tabled until everyone was interviewed.

This would give them the best candidate for the position. He then elaborated that a person with a medical background would be a good choice for the board. Commissioner Siegfried and Whiston immediately said that was not going to happen. Both of these commissioners were rude and condescending to Judge Hickson in their answer. Not only this question was rudely answered, but all of his questions. I found this completely unprofessional of both Commissioner Siegfried and Whiston.

Common sense would tell you “why not interview the candidate so you would have the best one selected”? The Judge was right. Medical experience counts. At present, there is no one on the hospital board with medical experience.

Evidently, common sense does not concern the commissioners. The nominations were then made and a person selected.

The person selected does not have a medical background, so how was this selection made. Is this person politically connected? What experience do they have? It was obvious in the meeting that the commissioners already had their minds made up.

Don’t take my word for it. The meetings are recorded and posted. Check it out for yourself.


Bill Griffith

Mount Gilead

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