Reflections: A little humor to end the year


While going through some Searchlight newspapers published by Cardington High School I found in an issue published January 17, 1949, two columns titled “Some Highlights Taken From School Paper of 1922-23” and the paper was called “The Tatler.”

That’s the way it was spelled — it may have been a play on the correct spelling.

Anyway, many of you may recognize the names of students featured in that 98-year-old column – maybe your grandparents, friends of your grandparents or maybe even parents. The sense of humor then was a bit different 98 years ago; but here is an example of one of the jokes:

Mr. Beyer (he was a teacher): “Marvin, why were you late?” Marvin Hack: “School started before I got here.”

Or this one: “Ted Miller: ‘What do you mean, ‘she has teeth like stars?’ To which Hank Sherman replies: “They come out at night.”

Or Mary Margaret Farrington: “Did you count with a daisy to see if I loved you.” Miles Smith replied, “Indeed no! I used a three-leaf clover.”

Many of you know Mary Margaret was a first grade teacher at her alma mater for many years.

These were the freshmen class members in 1922-23: Leland Cahoon, Hazel Russell, Miles Smith, Pauline Spring, Mary Margaret Farrington, Lloyd Harris Virginis Emswiler, Grace Fisher, Russell McColley, Lois Sherman, Bernie Dennis, Ruth Fish, Wilbert Linstedt, Elvena Hinderlong, Harold Pickett, Doris Kelly, Edward Haugh, Estella Burggraf and Walter McClarren.

Tuition pupils were Lowell Lee, Marvin Hack, Wilber Heimlich, Elizabeth Key, Lester Parks, Paul Haas, Milton Yake, Fern Axthelm, Ada Gompf, Harold Beckel and Virgil Hull. Their class colors were purple and gold.

Some things remain the same, but others are a marked difference.

December 1941: Zeb Russell offered 55 cents per 100 pounds for scrap iron for the war effort. A barn on the Fred Lake farm, northwest of Cardington, was destroyed by fire. The 40 x 70 barn, located in the Bethel community, was a total loss. Cardington firemen kept the flames from extending to the outer buildings; sixty-four Morrow County high school students submitted essays in the contest on ‘Why Do we Need a Food for Defense Program.”

December 1961: Fulton Elementary school pupils staged a program, “The Nativity Scene,” in pantomime on Dec. 21 and it included a live donkey in the play.

December 1971: Tom Harden, former deputy sheriff, announced his candidacy for sheriff of Morrow County; A Chesterville man was jailed for operating a still and possession of moonshine.

December 1991: In a mock wedding held at Cardington-Lincoln High School Elizabeth Deese married Rob Kenney.

By Evelyn Long

Contributing Columnist

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