Reflections: Some September snippets


I found some interesting “snippets” from past newspapers and am sharing some of them from those Septembers:

September, 1941: J. L. Patterson, Cardington High School Class of 1925, received his M. A. in Education from the Ohio State University.

First Day enrollment at the Cardington School included 50 first grade students, 44 sixth graders and 28 seniors. A total of approximately 500 were attending classes.

Stone’s Drug Store in Cardington advertised Ipana toothpaste on sale for 39 cents. The regular price was 50 cents.

Automobile drivers licenses for the year beginning Oct. 1 were placed on sale in Cardington by Mrs. Bernice Garster at the Springer Meat Market.

For the first time in Morrow County history, no one-room schools were operating in Morrow County.

A giant white Oak tree on the George Axthelm farm six miles southwest of Cardington, was felled by lumber men from Sandusky, Ohio. Rings on the stump revealed the tree was over 300 years old.

Lt. Don Meredith of East Main Street, Cardington, was pictured as he was being trained in the operation and maintenance of one of the Army’s new “Blitz Buggies,” or jeeps. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Meredith.

September, 1961: On the first day of school in Cardington, there were a total of 78 first grade students, 54 sixth graders and 55 seniors in classes. The total enrollment included 66 kindergarten students.

Cardington military draftees Thomas Daniels and Roderick Jenkins left for induction this month.

A new electrical substation was built to serve Cardington and Ashley residents on Morrow County Road 25 east of US 42.

September, 1971: On the first day of school in Cardington there was a total of 73 first graders, 106 sixth grade students and 66 seniors. Of the total enrollment of 1,263, there were 91 kindergarten students and the Fulton school had 29 first grade pupils in class.

The Mount Gilead State Park was closed on Sept. 6 as part of the governor’s austerity program. Park Manager Glen Franklin was laid off the next day.

Approximately 650 persons attended the dedication of the new wing of the Morrow County Hospital on Sept. 18. The new addition doubled the hospital’s bed capacity to eighty eight.

By Evelyn Long

Contributing Columnist

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