Daughters of Union Veterans Tent 91 holds March meeting


GALION — The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Tent 91, Galion, gathered for a meeting Tuesday, March 2.

The meeting was held at the home of Melanie Baker. President Cathy Brown conducted the meeting.

Due to the health issues across the state, the group has not been able to participate in many activities. However, there was still the need for voluntary services. Relief report included: 1 flowers for deceased, 40 personal visits, 129 cheer cards sent, and 142 volunteer hours served.

The Ohio Department Convention will hopefully take place on Saturday, June 19, 2021, at the VFW in Galion. Meeting location is secured. Meeting details in the works.

For the “Good of the Order,” an article titled “The Last Surviving Widow of a Civil War Veteran Dies at 101” was submitted by member, Heather Callahan, and read by Judy Sanders.

Next meeting will be held at the home of Judy Sanders on April 6. Refreshments were served by Melanie Baker and social time was enjoyed.


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