Gleaners visit county libraries


Members of Chester Arbor of the Gleaner Life Insurance Society, visited the four Morrow County libraries on June 22 with a gift for all of the staff members.

The gifts were given in appreciation of their cooperation with various programs they have conducted.

Presented to each was an engraved paperweight noting that libraries impact lives. Some Hugs candy was included in each bag, along with a handwritten note of appreciation.

Chester Arbor has not gathered for several months but has accomplished committee work through ZOOM. An Arbor newsletter has been written to update members on the accomplishments and coming events.

For details on the work of Chester Arbor, call 419-565-2887.

Members of Chester Arbor of the Gleaners with Cardington Library personnel. Standing, from left: Linda Ruehrmund, Kelly Kirkpatrick, Andy Henry and Deb Noll. In front: Angela Curren, Lisa Murray and Lisa Ebert. of Chester Arbor of the Gleaners with Cardington Library personnel. Standing, from left: Linda Ruehrmund, Kelly Kirkpatrick, Andy Henry and Deb Noll. In front: Angela Curren, Lisa Murray and Lisa Ebert.

Chester Arbor at Mount Gilead Public Library. Shown, from left: Linda Ruehrmund, Cindy Hayes, Melissa Kipp, Julie and Aiden Wick, Janet Bedwell, Becky Scroggins, Becky Kilgour, Marty Barnett, Deb Noll. Committee members not pictures are Pat McAvoy and June Hawk. Arbor at Mount Gilead Public Library. Shown, from left: Linda Ruehrmund, Cindy Hayes, Melissa Kipp, Julie and Aiden Wick, Janet Bedwell, Becky Scroggins, Becky Kilgour, Marty Barnett, Deb Noll. Committee members not pictures are Pat McAvoy and June Hawk.

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinel

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