Wick willing to aid community


I am endorsing Andrew Wick for the office of Morrow County Prosecutor.

While many posts and articles focus on his vast experience and accomplishments, please allow me to share a few things about Andy to illustrate the kind person he is.

Andy and his family have always attended, sponsored and/or helped out at virtually every community event, from the tiniest event with a handful of people or to a standing room only event. He is there to meet fellow Morrow Countians, listen to whatever they would like to talk about, and let others get to know who he is as well.

As a family friend, I can tell you Andy stays remarkably calm even in the midst of a calamity or two. When others are upset, not sure where to turn or need assistance, Andy is able to rise above the emotion and becomes solution focused. Whether it is just listening, offering information, possible suggestions, or just rolling up his sleeves he will do so at a moment’s notice.

While Andy is extremely intelligent, he is always asking questions, observing, wanting to learn more to stay up to date and remain relevant to best help his clients and community. While he is the ultimate professional and very staid, he has a wicked sense of humor. There is a particular song by AC/DC that he is fond of, that can sometimes just perfectly describe a mood. I suggested having this as his entrance music at his fundraiser, but wiser heads prevailed. (Would have been cool though.)

Andy and Laura, with their vivacious toddler Aiden, had recently purchased a home and added 3 family members to their household. New home, doubling your family size, lively toddler, three dogs. As everyone was settling in, there was someone out of options and in need of a place to stay. Without hesitation Andy invited them to stay with their new household for about a year, as they regrouped and were able to move forward.

Andy comes from a family of loyal supporters of the American Red Cross. He serves as an active Red Cross Leadership Council Member and has served for many terms. In addition to being a lifeguard, he taught many lifesaving and lifeguarding classes over the years. Andy is the first one to throw a lifeline to those in need. Our county could really use a similar lifeline to keep Morrow County safe, help those in need of treatment and other life saving assistance, and to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and justly.

I encourage you to please vote for Andrew Wick on March 17.

Jeanine Girard

Mount Gilead

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