Reflections: What goes around comes around


Here are ways to avoid influenza. this disease is spread by contact.

“Unnecessary public gatherings should be prevented. This does not necessari- ly apply to schools which may remain in session providing buildings are well ventilated and ordinary rules of hygiene are observed excluding all children with colds in head should be practiced. Everyone with symptoms of cold in the head should be isolated.

Every one coughing or sneezing should cover nose and mouth with handkerchief or rag and boil or burn these often. If you feel a sudden chill, have muscular pain, headache, backache unusual tiredness and fever, go to bed at once. Consult your physician and stay in bed until after all trace of fever is gone and until your physician tells you it is safe to get up and out.

Have sufficient heat in your home to dispense of all dampness. Keep windows and doors open and if weather is too cold, protect with muslin. This will avoid the dampness and draught and permit a free circulation of pure air.

Do not sleep in room with patient, wash your hands every time after working with patient and before eating. Avoid the general wiping towel. Obtain at least seven hours sleep in each 24 hours. Keep patient warm, avoid any one coughing or sneezing and secure plenty of fresh air and sunshine.”

These instructions were not given today, 2020, but written by R. J. Pierce, MD. Morrow County Health Commissioner, Feb. 12, 1920, exactly 100 years ago and printed in the Morrow County Independent. The only thing missing was the advice to “get your flu shot.”

A story in an edition of the Morrow County Sentinel 72 years ago notes that during a period of Morrow County history, there were newspapers published in six of the communities with papers appearing under at least 16 different names.

The first newspaper to be founded in Morrow County was the Democratic Messenger, Mount Gilead started in July, 1848 a few weeks ahead of the Whit Sentinel. The Messenger became the Union Register and the Sentin- el appeared under the name of the Morrow County Sentinel. In addition to these two the Morrow County Republican was also published in Mount Gilead.

The Morrow County Independent appeared under six different names since 1858. The paper carried the name of the Cardington Flag, later the Morrow County Herald after one year’s publication.

During the Civil War the name of the paper was changed to Cardington Reveille and in 1866 it became the Cardington Republican and in 1876, the Cardington Independent and later the Morrow County Independent.

The Marengo Herald was published in Marengo about 1897 and the Silver Times was started in Fulton in 1898 and later moved to Mount Gilead. Edison had two newspapers, the Edison Bee being the first and Rev. F. A. Hinman also published a newspaper there in his home print shop during his pastorate at the Edison Methodist Church in the early 1890s.

80 years ago: Mrs. Grace Bennett purchased the restaurant in the Hotel Wornstaff from Mrs. J. W. Wornstaff. The eatery was known as Grace’s Restaurant.

50 years ago: Nickerson Farms, a national restaurant chain, opened a restaurant and store at the I-71-State Route 61 interchange.

From the Searchlight: Mrs. Elva Hartpence who taught school for over 41 years, resigned from teaching in February, 1959 according to the story in the school newspaper.

In that same issue is a story noting that Connie Crum was elected queen of the 20th annual FFA banquet.

By Evelyn Long

Contributing Columnist

Reach us at [email protected].

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