Morrow County Hospital offers swing bed program


MOUNT GILEAD — Morrow County Hospital is proud to offer a swing bed program in the community to help patients return home independently or with the support of other community resources, such as home care or outpatient therapy.

“The swing bed program is a great way for patients to receive excellent skilled care close to home and enhance their recovery in a hospital setting,” said Morrow County Hospital President and CEO CJ Miller.

What is a swing bed?

Swings beds are for patients who need additional short-term rehabilitation care beyond their acute hospital stay (acute care is active but short-term treatment for a severe injury or episode of illness, an urgent medical condition, or during recovery from surgery). They allow patients to transition, or swing, from acute hospital care to rehabilitation and skilled nursing care without leaving the hospital.

Swing bed programs also allow patients who were hospitalized in a healthcare facility far from home to transfer to a community hospital close to home to receive additional skilled care and complete their recovery for IV therapy, sterile dressing changes, skin and wound care, physical and occupational rehabilitation, speech therapy and more.

What are the advantages of the Morrow County Hospital swing bed program?

Patients can utilize up to 20 potential days of Medicare-funded care, as recommended by a physician. This also means skilled, customized, convenient care from local providers who help with health recovery as well as a plan for continuous recovery after you leave the hospital to help you achieve your highest level of function.

How do I pay for swing bed care?

Insurance providers have differing provisions for swing bed status, and some plans do not cover this status. Morrow County Hospital’s patient accounting manager can assist with questions related to insurance plan coverage.

What is the difference between the swing bed program and an extended care facility?

Both services must meet the same requirements for qualification and admission, but the swing bed program placements tend to be more short-term than an extended care facility placement. If a longer length of stay is necessary, a patient may need to transfer from the swing bed program to an extended care facility.

Need more info?

If you have questions about the Morrow County Hospital swing bed program, contact: Social Services 419-949-3106 or Swing Bed Coordinator 419-949-3021.

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