The village of Edison will be conducting a smoke test of the sanitary sewer system on Tuesday, Oct. 29, according to a notice.

A smoke test survey will assist the inspection crews in locating breaks and defects in the sewer system. The smoke should not enter your home unless you have a defect in the plumbing system or have drain traps that have dried up. It is advisable for the homeowner to slowly pour a gallon of water into each floor drains and other seldom-used drains, prior to the testing date.

If smoke does enter your home, there is strong reason to assume that dangerous sewer gases are entering your home or business. You should open the windows and doors and evacuate the building immediately and notify a work at 419-294-9878.

If you are not at home during the testing and return to find smoke call the village office at 419-946-9146.

If there is an individual in your home or business who has respiratory problems and is immobile, notify the village at 419-946-9146 prior to the testing date.

Staff Report