Watch out for ice


Last Friday evening Allen and I travelled to Dayton to visit friends, have a weekend getaway, see a show and visit the Dayton Art Institute, which will be 100 years old this year.

We were going into the Amber Rose restaurant that is famous for its cabbage rolls and sauerbraten when my feet went out from under me before I knew what happened. The parking lot by the restaurant was clear of snow and ice, but my feet found the one patch of ice in the alleyway behind the restaurant.

We went into the restaurant where I was looking forward to having the cabbage rolls and Allen had his eyes on the Hunter’s Schnitzel. I was pretty sure my right wrist was either sprained or broken so we decided to forego dinner and headed for a hospital after our waitress got a bag of ice for my wrist.

We arrived at the Soin/Kettering Hospital Emergency Room, which fortunately, was right next to our hotel. There was a five hour wait while x-rays were taken and we had supper in their cafeteria. The diagnosis was a broken wrist that would probably require surgery when we returned home.

The nurse said my injury was her third broken wrist that evening and they all happened from falling on the ice. Fortunately, I had no pain, only discomfort from the splint/half cast the nurse placed on my arm.

Since my arm wasn’t hurting Saturday morning, we decided to go forward with our weekend plans. The Dayton Art Institute had wonderful exhibits of Asian art and art glass from ancient Roman to modern Dale Chihuly. In the evening we went back to the Amber Rose restaurant and enjoyed scrumptious cabbage rolls, potato pancakes and hunter’s schnitzel.

To top off the evening, we sat next to a friendly couple from Sydney, Ohio at the show.

When they heard we were from Mount Gilead, they asked us if we knew former Mount Gilead football coach, Paul Bremigan. Bremigan was a friend of theirs and a relative of one of their family members.

We headed home Sunday morning in order to miss the coming snow storm that was predicted. We were lucky to get an appointment at an orthopedic hand and wrist surgeon on Monday.

The surgeon gave me the choice of a rod and plate in my wrist, or a simple cast. I took the route of having a cast. He predicted my arm would heal well with a cast.

It’s a whole new world not having the use of my right hand. It’s humbling to ask for shoes to be tied, lids to be opened and someone else to drive. We are mostly thankful – thankful for the kind and good medical personnel at both Soin Medical Center and Orthopedic One, and thankful for family and friends who have helped with driving and offered prayers.

We talked about whether we should have just stayed home in the uncertain weather, and realized the very same accident could have happened here in Mount Gilead.

Alberta Stojkovic shows the cast on her right arm. She wrote about her experience breaking her right wrist using her left hand. Stojkovic shows the cast on her right arm. She wrote about her experience breaking her right wrist using her left hand. Courtesy Photo

By Alberta Stojkovic

The Sentinel

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