Cardington Seniors plan programs for the year


Events scheduled at the Senior Center were discussed when the Cardington Seniors met at the center for their monthly luncheon.

In the absence of the scheduled speaker, unable to come because of the severe weather, the center’s activities director, Chris Willford, described topics that will be featured at the center this year. He asked for input on programs seniors would like offered.

He is also planning day trips during the coming year and is taking suggestions for trip destinations.

Linda Ruehrmund gave a review of the trips planned this year for the Happy Wanderers with the first one on Feb. 21. They will travel to Columbus to see the new National Veterans Memorial and dine at a French restaurant.

The group was served a chicken lasagna lunch by the staff of the center with cookies furnished by Ruehrmund and Esther Yake.

Speaker for the Feb. 22 meeting will be Ray Fuller from the Ohio Consumers Counsel when he will discuss energy savings.

Marnie Buchel and Marie Christiano, who serves as the Seniors president, will furnish cookies.

Reservations and cancellations must be made by noon Thursday, Feb. 21 by calling 419-846-4191.

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinel

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