Road levy unfair to village


Dear Gilead Township voters,

In 1985, Gilead Township voters approved a 1 mill road levy which has generated nearly 3 million dollars. Approximately 1,5 million dollars of this is paid by residents living in Mount Gilead and Edison. Less than 5 percent of this money has been spent on village streets while village residents pay around 50 percent of the tax.

After the recession of 2008, the Village of Mount Gilead requested some help to repair streets within the Village which is part of Gilead Township. We received two differing opinions from the Morrow County Prosecutor’s office as to the township’s ability to fund these repairs with money collected from the Village residents. The Village has asked the Prosecutor to get an opinion from the State Attorney General which has not been done.

I would ask you to vote no on the Gilead Township road levy until something is proposed that is fairer to the residents of Mount Gilead and Edison. Thank you for taking time to consider this.

Mayor Mike Porter

Mount Gilead

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