4H-IO holds June meeting at Mount Gilead State Park


The 4H-IO meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by president Katie Greene at the Mount Gilead State Park.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rachael Koller and the 4-H Pledge was lead by Elliot Wall.

Roll call was called by Cora Wall, the club had 14 members, 4 advisors and 6 parents present.

The minutes from the last minute were read by Cora Wall and the minutes were approved.

The treasurer Rachael Koller gave the treasurer’s report and it was approved.

Shayla Barry gave a report on “7 Tips for s Safe Picnic “, Chaylse French did a demonstration on Dog Body language for Safety Guards with her puppy Isabel. Also Craig Brokaw gave a demonstration on properly sharpening a knife and Nick Greene gave a demonstration on spinning yarn with a drop spindle.

The Fair Booth Committee decided to use pictures of members against a white background, send the photos to Mrs. Barry.

Old Business

Question was asked at the last meeting what is the difference between an excused and an unexcused absence? The answer is that for an excused absence and advisor had to be notified at least 1/2 hour before the meeting of a conflict.

Reminder the club has voted that every member has to do at least one demonstration, whether at a meeting or as a video

New Business

Early judging is June 27 and the deadline to register is June 17 for the Junior Fair Board awards donation, the club decided to donate $50 to wherever a need is. The motion was made by Elliot Wall and seconded by Jimmy Brokaw motion carried.

The next meeting is on July 8 at the Mount Gilead State Park.


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