Edison to explore severe weather siren options


The Village of Edison has not had a siren to alert residents of tornado producing weather warning for several years.

Council Member, April Anthony expressed concern that some residents, who don’t have their phone connected to the Code Red System warning system, get no message in case of severe weather.

The siren sounds off at the same time as the Code Red weather bulletin. The Code Red warning by phone is free for county residents, but they need to apply to get on a list to be called.

Council previously contacted Emergency Management Director, John Harsch to see if he could help get a siren for the village. Harsch came to the village council meeting Monday to let them know what he can do.

Harsch said that Edison is the only village in the county that doesn’t have an operating siren. He found that the cost of a siren when Johnsville got one five years ago was $36,000.

Harsch is now in the process of doing “All hazards mitigation.” This is a required task through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA.) After the mitigation is finished, Harsch intends to apply for a grant and will get a “statement of interest” from Edison.

“We are looking out there to see what can be done since it (Edison) is the only village in the county without a tornado siren,” Harsch said.

Council member, Patti Feustal asked how Johnsville funded their siren. Harsch didn’t know ­­and said he will check.

Harsch encouraged the council to do what they can in the meantime to have residents apply for Code Red on the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) website at morrowcountyohio.gov.

There is a county link there to be entered so any resident can have their name on the list to be called in case of a tornado or they can call the County EMA at 419-946-7976.

In other business, Feustal reported that the council will need to put a 2.5 mill levy for fire protection on the ballot. Mount Gilead Fire Dept. agreed to cover the village with fire protection for the year, but they need Edison to bring their millage up with the rest of the township.

Council passed a motion for Street Commissioner, Jerry Reeder to fence in the section of the park where there is a drop off and also purchase a picnic table for the park, not to exceed $150.00

By Alberta Stojkovic

The Sentinel

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